Donating to Shir Ami
Giving can be a moving experience—for the giver as well as the honoree. It is a blessing and a mitzvah.
Congregation Shir Ami has many special funds that benefit and enrich our community. Members and friends are always welcome to contribute to these funds when the spirit moves them. Such gifts can honor an achievement, express appreciation to the Rabbi, remember a loved one, recognize a life cycle event, or any appropriate occasion! Some funds are for payment of special services or goods.
We welcome your tax-deductible donations and thank you for your support! (Click this link to go directly to the page to donate online.) Your contribution enables us to provide a greater service to our congregation. Following are just a few of the funds you may direct your contribution to:
- Torah u'Morah (Teaching and Teacher) Fund: A fund, in memory of Anne Ditlefsen Smallwood, established to support education needs at Congregation Shir Ami that go beyond the budget, including expenses around b'nai mitzvah. Need-based Scholarships can be made available for members pursuing education at Shir Ami or to the benefit of Shir Ami through an application process.
- Caring Circle Fund: for the support of Shir Ami members who have suffered a loss or are going through other major life challenges, as well as to help congregants with transportation issues that keep them from attending services or other congregational events.
- K’tan-tan Fund: for the support of programs geared toward families with young children (age 8 and younger).
- L’dor v’dor Fund: for the care and maintenance of our congregation’s Torah and other ritual items, in order to prepare and preserve them for use by future Shir Ami generations. Also used for other purposes that support the future generations of Shir Ami members.
- Library Fund: for the enhancement and maintenance of our congregational library.
- The Jodie Billings Or Halev Fund: to augment the efforts of Shir Ami volunteers for congregational holiday and celebration events.
- Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: for Rabbi Reice to use at her discretion and according to guidelines set forth by the URJ and the Shir Ami Board to help Shir Ami members in need and/or to address other congregational matters of importance.
- Prayer Book Fund: for the purchase of new Siddurim or other prayer books as needed (during congregational drives).
- Machzor Fund: for the purchase of prayer books used during the High Holy Days, Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Donating to the Machzor Fund is a wonderful way to honor or remember family, friends and other loved ones. Since each set contains two books, each $50 will include two beautiful name plates (see below for personalization). You can write checks to Congregation Shir Ami with “Machzor Fund” in the memo line, or you can send money through this website. This donation form can be emailed to or mailed to Congregation Shir Ami, PO Box 3716, Cedar Park, TX 78630. You can carefully and clearly print or type up your inscription(s) and mail your inscription(s) with your check or email the inscription information to and send your payment through this website.
Your Name: ___________________________________________________
Number of sets: _________ x $50/each for a total payment of $_________
Check enclosed Payment via Website
Please type your inscriptions. There can be two of the same or two different ones for each set. An inscription generally takes this form: “___________ dedicate(s) this machzor in honor of __________, or in memory of __________, or in celebration of _________.” If you need more inspiration or examples, please look inside the front cover of our current Machzorim or Siddurim.
To Mail Check Donations: Enclose a check, payable to Congregation Shir Ami, with a your contact information and a note on which fund you wish to contribute to and mail to: Congregation Shir Ami, P.O. Box 3716, Cedar Park, Texas 78630-3716
For Qualified Charitable Distributions from an IRA to Congregation Shir Ami, please consult with your financial advisor.
For Special Donations (example: stocks, furniture, etc) or for any donation questions: Please contact
Thank you for supporting Congregation Shir Ami!!!