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The Board of Trustees of Congregation Shir Ami has moved to once again
hold in person services/programs. We will continue to make our services
available online for those not ready to meet in person. By attending
services/programs at Shir Ami you are expressing agreement to adhere to
this Directive.
  • Masks are recommended for everyone over age 2 regardless of
    vaccination status.
  • We expect all who gather for in person events are fully vaccinated.
  • If you are not feeling well, are coughing and/or feverish, please stay home and worship with us online.
  • Be mindful and respect each attendee’s differing degrees of social distancing comfort. Color-coded wristbands will be available to identify individual levels of comfort.
  • Oneg and Kiddush will take place after services.
We are very much looking forward to once again being a supportive and welcoming Jewish community offering opportunities for worship, learning, service, and social justice in a family environment.
All are welcome to our Congregation. All means all.
This Directive will be amended as warranted.

Religious School COVID Policy

We are eager to return to learning together in person and we want to reopen as safely as possible and are asking for you to enter into a brit briut, a Health Covenant, with us. Below is the COVID policy for Religious School as of February 28, 2022. Changes to the below policy will be assessed periodically by the Religious School Committee. Material changes in policy will be communicated immediately by email to the Religious School parents, the Board of Trustees, Religious School teacher(s), and Rabbi Reice. It will also be communicated as soon as is practical to the Congregation by the Communications/Marketing Committee through the Weekly Whisper or other electronic means.
  1. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all students who are eligible to receive the vaccine. If the student or someone is diagnosed with COVID within the household, the student should follow current CDC guidelines for isolation/quarantine and have a negative test result before returning to class in person.
  2. Please stay home if you or a household member is not feeling well, even mildly. Keep sick students home from school, as well.
  3. Facemasks are required for students attending Religious School classes. Disposable masks will be available upon request.
  4. Hand sanitizer will be available in the classroom to use before entering/leaving the classrooms and bathrooms.
  5. There will be assigned seats for the students with nametags to ensure social distancing.
  6. The classrooms will be cleaned weekly by Live Oak. The tables/chairs in the classrooms will be sanitized before class sessions.
  7. Sunday and Hebrew School classes will only be available in person beginning March 2, 2022. If a family doesn’t want their student to return to class, the class materials/information can be sent electronically for students to continue their Jewish education remotely until they return in person. Please contact Amy Schorr and Rabbi Reice if your student will not be returning to class, but needs class material. Zoom tutoring will be available for an additional charge.
  8. Trope lessons will be conducted outside of the building.
  9. Please send your student(s) with a water bottle or a cup with a lid for class. Food will not be allowed in the classrooms at this time. Please make certain your student(s) gets a snack before coming to class. There will be no exceptions to the food policy.
Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785